Here for Good
WCDP County Convention
🗓️ This Saturday, February 8, 1 – 2:30
Only on Zoom! Since is it is a members only meeting & voting will occur, pre-registration is required!
Purpose: Elect members and alternates to the state convention committees: Rules, Resolutions, and Credentials. Consider resolutions to be forwarded to the State Party. Resolutions will be forwarded to registrants when they become available to Washtenaw County Democratic Party (WCDP) leaders.
WCDP Allocations: We’ll be choosing Washtenaw reps for:
- Credentials: 1 woman-identified or nonbinary member; 1 man-identified or nonbinary alternate
- Resolutions: 1 man-identified or nonbinary member; 1 man-identified or nonbinary alternate
- Rules: 1 man-identified or nonbinary member; 1 woman-identified or nonbinary alternate
Nominations: To be considered as a candidate for any of the committees you must submit this form no later than Friday, February 7, at 5:00 pm.
ICYMI: February 2025 Member Meeting
Black Elected Officials Discuss Issues Affecting African Americans in the County
- Introduction by Theresa Reid, WCDP Chair
- Representative Debbie Dingell
- Washtenaw County Black Elected Officials Panel:
- Nicole Brown, Mayor of Ypsilanti
- Cynthia Harrison, Ann Arbor City Council Member, Ward 1
- Justin Hodge, Washtenaw County Commissioner, District 5
- Crystal Lyte, Washtenaw County Commissioner, District 2
- Caroline Sanders, Washtenaw County Commissioner, District 4
- Chris Watson, Ann Arbor City Council Member, Ward 2
- Jimmie Wilson, Jr., Michigan House of Representative, District 32
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Want to Contribute? Try these recurring volunteer opportunities!
Want to contribute to the election effort locally or statewide? The people getting out the vote for Democrats in Michigan are the One Campaign.
Here are some recurring events where you can help!
Voter Protection Volunteer Opportunities for the Fall 2024 Election
BE A VOTER PROTECTION VOLUNTEER ( From the MiDems) The mission of the Michigan Democratic Party (MiDems) Voter Protection Team is to protect voting rights and help elect Michigan Democrats up and...
WCDP 2024 Endorsement Meeting
The WCDP will hold an Endorsement Meeting on Sunday, August 25th, from 1 to 5 p.m. This is when we choose the candidates to endorse for the November 2024 General Election, In order to participate,...