At the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center!
Here’s how you can use your voice & vote to set the future direction of the MDP. ✊🏽 🗳️
At the 2025 Spring State Convention, Michigan Democrats will gather by congressional district to elect district officers and members to the State Central Committee. Members of MDP caucuses will meet and elect their leadership. On the Convention floor, Democrats will vote by congressional district to elect a Chair and two (2) Vice-Chairs of the State Central Committee.
➡️ According to MDP rules, to be eligible to become credentialed and vote, a person must be a member of the Michigan Democratic Party for at least thirty (30) days prior to February 22, 2025, which is January 23, 2025.
➡️ To meet the deadline to be eligible to vote, an online contribution toward a membership OR a free membership application must be submitted by 11:59 PM on January 23, 2025!
Apply for membership via our online membership applications or print and mail a paper application
➡️ Get full details on the convention, credentialing, and voting via the VOATZ app at Hope to see you there!
The Convention schedule and times are still in flux. Consult the convention website for updates on the details for the day.
Disclaimer: One of the WCDP’s goals is to promote causes, activities, and events spearheaded by community members and like-minded organizations. With that said, the views and opinions expressed by individuals or organizations on our News and Calendar pages are not necessarily those of the Washtenaw County Democratic Party or its leadership. Similarly, events related to candidates and their campaigns are not endorsements.