Become a Partner
Becoming a WCDP Community Partner lets WCDP members know that you are building a stronger Democratic Party that directly impacts their lives and the lives of every resident in Washtenaw County. If you would like to help support your local Democratic Party by becoming a WCDP Community Partner, contact us:
Annual partner benefits:
Silver - $150
As a Silver Partner, you will receive:
- An ad on our Partners page for one year
- A personal thank you on social media
Gold - $395
As a Gold Partner, you will receive all of the benefits of a Silver Partner, plus:
- A larger ad on the Partners page
- A spot on the WCDP website’s home page
Platinum - $750
As a Platinum Partner, you will receive all of the benefits of a Gold and Silver Partner, plus:
- Ad space with top billing on the Partners Page
- A profile in one of the weekly newsletters
Other ways to contribute:
Campaign Ads
If you are running for office, you will receive special pricing to advertise your campaign for a limited time on our Candidate Partners page. Conditions vary based on timing and the office being sought.
Event Sponsorship
The WCDP hosts a number of events to help build community while also raising funds. This includes events like the Annual Gala and the Garden Party. Announcements for events and how to become an Event Partner are sent through our newsletter. Sign up here.
Where does the money go?
- Sustaining a physical office in Ypsilanti
- Creating informational and promotional materials like voter guides, fliers, buttons, and t-shirts
- Supplying basic canvassing supplies to volunteers like clipboards, water, and campaign materials
- Maintaining an online presence via our website, mailing lists, and newsletters
- Continuing to build and maintain our in-house volunteer and membership managment software
Who can particiapte?
WCDP partnership is open to any person or group that wants to be recognized for their financial support of the party. This includes individuals, families, buisnessess, unions, non-profits, politicians, and candidates
Will partners have influence over party decisions?
Major decisions are made by an elected, all-volunteer Executive Board that must comply with WCDP and MDP bylaws. While we appreciated the support of our partners, being a partner doesn’t get you a seat at the decision-making table.
Our organization appreciates all of the hard work that the Washtenaw Dems’ volunteers do to make local politics work for everyone. It’s an honor to be able to partner with them.
– WCDP Community Partner
Contact: Inquiries about becoming a Community Partner as well as logos, images, links, or any other promotional content should be sent to
Image Requirements: Send us an image that prominently displays your logo (organization) or face (individual) with little or no additional text. The image should be sent as either a .jpg or .png file and have a 16:9 size ratio. We recommend images be at least 900×506 pixels.
Contributions: Make your Community Partner donation using ActBlue here: