News, updates, editorials, and action items.
Want to Contribute? Try these recurring volunteer opportunities!
Want to contribute to the election effort locally or statewide? The people getting out the vote for Democrats in Michigan are the One Campaign.
Here are some recurring events where you can help!
Voter Protection Volunteer Opportunities for the Fall 2024 Election
BE A VOTER PROTECTION VOLUNTEER ( From the MiDems) The mission of the Michigan Democratic Party (MiDems) Voter Protection Team is to protect voting rights and help elect Michigan Democrats up and down the ticket! We are recruiting volunteers in all areas of voter...
WCDP 2024 Endorsement Meeting
The WCDP will hold an Endorsement Meeting on Sunday, August 25th, from 1 to 5 p.m. This is when we choose the candidates to endorse for the November 2024 General Election, In order to participate, you must have been a member of the Michigan Democratic Party for at...
WCDP Statement Protesting Actions of County Democratic Officeholders
Washtenaw County Democratic Party Executive Board Protests Actions of County Democratic Officeholders April 29, 2024 – The Executive Board of the WCDP protests the effort by Evan Pratt, Water Resources Commissioner, and Catherine McClary, Treasurer, to hand-pick...
WCDP Statement on Preventing Further Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza
The Washtenaw County Democratic Party (WCDP) is invested in all aspects of the government we work to elect. At the federal level, foreign policy is a critical expression of our nation’s values. With this statement, we inform our President, Senators, and Congresswoman...
[VIDEO UP] WCDP December Monthly Meeting: Keeping Trump off the ballot next November
Video up! See below ⬇️ or watch on Youtube 📺 On Saturday, December 2, the WCDP held a meeting and program featuring Mark Brewer, former MDP Chair, speaking about efforts in Michigan and other states to keep former president Trump off the ballot...
[VIDEO UP] WCDP Monthly Meeting – Responding to Disruptive Behavior in Schools: a Panel Discussion of the Washtenaw Equity Partnership Final Report Recommendations
Video up! See below ⬇️ or watch on Youtube 📺 Saturday, November 4, @ 9:45 am – 12:00 pm The WCDP held a member meeting on November 4 with a program on Responding to Disruptive Behavior in Schools: a Panel Discussion of the Washtenaw Equity...
[VIDEO UP] WCDP Monthly Meeting – Housing & Homelessness Crisis Potential Solutions and County-wide Responses
Video up! See below ⬇️ or watch on Youtube 📺 For further information about the Affordable Housing crisis in Washtenaw County see: When you click the link a login screen...
Be Heard!
If you have an original news story, editorial, call-to-action, or testimonial you would like the WCDP to share, email us at For events, visit our “Event Submissions” page.
Disclaimer: One of the WCDP’s goals is to promote causes, activities, and events spearheaded by community members and like-minded organizations. With that said, the views and opinions expressed by individuals or organizations on our News and Calendar pages are not necessarily those of the Washtenaw County Democratic Party or its leadership. Similarly, posts about candidates and their campaigns are not endorsements.