
Want to contribute to the election effort locally or statewide?  The people getting out the vote for Democrats in Michigan are the One Campaign.
Here are some recurring events where you can help!


  • Weekend Canvasses, Saturdays, 10am, Sundays, 1pm, sign up here for Ann Arbor, here for Ypsilanti, and here for Western Washtenaw

  • Ann Arbor Office Greeter, Daily, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm, sign up here

  • Ann Arbor Turf Prep + Yard Sign Assembly, Fridays, 4pm, sign up here 

  • Ypsilanti Office Greeter, Daily, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm, sign up here

  • Ypsilanti Turf Prep + Yard Sign Assembly, Fridays, 4pm, sign up here


  • Virtual Phonebanking, Mondays/Thursdays 5pm, Saturdays/Sundays 2pm, sign up here

  • Using Your Digital Voice, Tuesdays, 5pm, Mobilize link here

  • Deconstructing Project 2025 and Inspiring Voters to Fight for their Freedoms, Sundays 4pm, Tuesdays 6:30pm, Mobilize link here

Thank you and lets elect some Dems!