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WCDP Spring County Convention 2025

February 8 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


📣 WCDP Call to County Convention 📣

Per Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) Rules, all counties are required to hold County Conventions, and ours will be held via Zoom. Since is it is a members only meeting, and voting will occur, pre-registration is required, and will close on February 6, 2024, at 5 pm, to enable membership verification.

Purpose: Elect members and alternates to the state convention committees: Rules, Resolutions, and Credentials. Consider resolutions to be forwarded to the State Party. Resolutions will be forwarded to registrants when they become available to Washtenaw County Democratic Party (WCDP) leaders.

Per MDP Rules, all counties are required to hold County Conventions, and ours will be held via Zoom. Since is it is a members only meeting, and voting will occur, registration is required.

Voting Eligibility: Per MDP Rules, to vote at the 2/8 county convention a person must be a member of the WCDP/MDP for at least thirty (30) days, which is January 9, 2025.  The WCDP received notice of this required county convention after the January 9 deadline for joining in order to vote in it. We apologize for understandable disappointment. People in some Democratic Party roles including Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials, and Democratic nominees to partisan offices residing in Washtenaw County can renew their membership the day of the convention..

The purpose of this convention is to elect members and alternates to the three state convention committees –  Rules, Resolutions, and Credentials – and to consider resolutions to be forwarded by the MDP.

MDP Committees

The three State Convention Committee responsibilities and meeting times are below. All meetings are via Zoom; invitations will be sent by MDP leadership after the Feb. 8 County Convention. To be considered as a candidate for any of the committees please submit this form by Friday, February 7, at 5:00 pm. Nominations will be taken from the floor, but early nominations greatly simplify meeting management, so we appreciate your planning ahead.


Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Members of the Convention’s Credentials Committee shall meet to discuss and receive training on the credentialing process for the State Convention. Members of the Credentials Committee are encouraged to help Democrats in their County and Congressional District become credentialed. The Committee’s chair shall be designated by the Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party. 

Members are invited to provide credentialing support at the State Convention on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Members of the Credentials Committee are asked to attend the Convention and assist with the credentialing process, which requires a comfortability with technology. Additionally, the Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party at the State Convention, if necessary. 


Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Members of the Convention’s Rules Committee shall meet virtually to consider rules for the State Convention and to receive training in those rules and on proportional voting. The Committee’s chair shall be designated by the Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party. 

The Committee will approve the final version of the rules that will oversee all business at the State Convention. Members of the Rules Committee are not required to attend the State Convention. 


Meeting Wednesday, February 12, 2025 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM and if necessary to complete the work reconvening Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM. 

Members of the Convention’s Resolutions Committee shall meet to consider resolutions approved at County and District Conventions and submitted for statewide consideration. The Committee’s chair shall be designated by the Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party. 

The Resolutions Committee will discuss, edit, and vote on a number of resolutions with the ultimate goal of creating a packet of resolutions that will go before the entire membership at the State Convention for a vote. Members of the Resolutions Committee are not required to attend the State Convention.

WCDP Convention Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Credential Report​ (Membership Committee — how many members pre-registered to participate; how many have joined)
  4. Rules Report (How this process will work: voting by raised hand, nominations accepted from the floor)
  5. Election of Convention Committee Members & Alternates
    WCDP Allocations: The MDP makes space allocations to each committee by county, based on vote totals for the top of the ticket in the most recent general election as a proportion of the congressional district vote. WCDP’s allocations are:

    • Credentials: 1 woman-identified or nonbinary member; 1 man-identified or nonbinary alternate
    • Resolutions: 1 man-identified or nonbinary member; 1 man-identified or nonbinary alternate
    • Rules: 1 man-identified or nonbinary member; 1 woman-identified or nonbinary alternate

    In general, per MDP rules, committee members shall have gender identity allocated in such a way so that the number of self-identified men and the number of self-identified women does not vary by more than one. Gender nonbinary members shall not be counted as either men or women, but do count towards the total allocation of members.

  6. Consideration of Resolutions
    One resolution has been put forth by a WCDP member for candidate transparency. Three resolutions have been forwarded to all county parties by Justin Mendoza, Chair of Kalamazoo County Dems, for consideration during our conventions. They include this resolution to revise gendered language in the MDP bylaws; this resolution to use a ballot measure to remove language restricting marriage to one man and one woman in the Michigan constitution; and this resolution in support of a living wage floor in Michigan. Justin requests that we vote to move these resolutions forward for consideration by the MDP Resolutions Committee.

    Please review the resolutions in advance of the meeting. Discussion will be limited; we will take an up-or-down vote only, without attempts to edit during the meeting.

    Note that resolutions issued by the WCDP standing alone follow a different process, stipulated in Article 9 of WCDP bylaws.

  7. Good and Welfare
  8. Adjournment

As always, send your WCDP questions to info@washtenawdems.org.


February 8
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Event Categories:

Disclaimer: One of the WCDP’s goals is to promote causes, activities, and events spearheaded by community members and like-minded organizations. With that said, the views and opinions expressed by individuals or organizations on our News and Calendar pages are not necessarily those of the Washtenaw County Democratic Party or its leadership. Similarly, events related to candidates and their campaigns are not endorsements.